Amber Necklaces: Magical Myth or Medicinal Legend?

This is a Guest Post by Jenn Sanders. I only share information that I find fun, informative, or important. Enjoy!

I recently purchased an amber teething necklace for my niece who was 8 months old, new to this world, and already upset that things weren't peaches and cream every single day. What could possibly make an 8-month-old's smile turn upside down, you ask? Pull up a chair, plop in your earbuds, and learn how to read my lips because you won't be able to hear me over the teething baby anyway. That's right, we are now in the inevitably miserable stage of teething.

I say "we" because I'm the person responsible for watching my teething niece while her mom goes back to work. Do you know what that means? That means that I made it my personal mission to cure her teething woes, not only for her mother's sanity and her pain relief but for my own eardrums, as well. I pulled up my handy assistant, Google, and asked what magical teething remedies would restore my sister's sweet baby's personality. What google manifested in front of my eyes was not magic but science-based medicinal relief.

Amber teething necklaces are not just a modern mom's mythical cure. In fact, amber has been used for centuries for many ailments. Amber contains a compound called succinic acid, which is the key component responsible for relieving not only your teething infant's swollen gums and cranky bouts of insanity, but due to it's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich, and mood-boosting effects, it can soothe many of your household ailments. Modern, nature-based moms are calling amber Mother Nature's Ibuprofen and with good reason. It's got centuries of success to back it up!

I bought my niece her first necklace, from, in light lemon due to the fact that it was a polished bead. Polished amber has a harder time heating up and pulling the succinic rich oil from the bead. This means you will need to purchase a lighter color like lemon and light honey if you're wanting the same healing effect as your raw beads. Raw beads, however, are not suggested for infants and younger children due to the porous surface of the bead. Some mothers have reported skin irritation when rubbing against it for too long, so I chose to go with the polished bead like suggested.

About two weeks into my niece wearing it her mother, my sister, calls and tells me that the teething phase wasn't as bad as everyone had made it out to be. She said that her daughter had stopped crying, drooling everywhere and that her chewing habit had dropped significantly. I told her that I had done some research on Baltic amber teething necklaces and found that mothers from around the world had reported the same experiences. Convinced that the necklaces were the reason sanity had been restored to our households, we each bought one for ourselves. My sister has suffered from sciatica issues since she became pregnant and I have insufferable periods. Both problems should be fixed by amber necklaces due to the anti-inflammatory properties.

Both of our families have been wearing our necklaces for over 7 months now. We not only survived my niece's teething stage but amber necklaces have cured several other ailments within both of our households. From my sister's sciatica issue to my intense cramps, to my husband's headaches, and my niece's teething issues. With such a wide range of healing properties, why wouldn't you give baltic amber a try, too? Find out what has kept the magic alive for centuries with Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces!


  1. So I do not know if it is fact or myth, but I love amber teething necklaces! So much in fact, that I got myself an adult size one. My youngest daughter is going to be 4 next month, and she has been wearing one since she was around 3 months old. I have no idea if it was the necklace or not, but she barely gave me any problems when teething. I highly recommend, myth or not! :)

  2. You know it sounds nuts BUT stuff shows up all the time about using natural products. I am all about trying something and seeing if it helps me

  3. I have inflammatory issues as well, so I'm wondering, if you need the healing effects of amber, do you have to suck on the necklace, or just wear it? lol

  4. I need to try this out! Thanks for sharing!
