6 Helpful Tips To Make Moving Easier!

*Article includes sponsored link*

There are many times in one’s life in where you have to move. Whether you’re going away to college, getting your first apartment, or moving into a house of your very own. Moving can be quite a big ordeal, especially if you own a lot of things. I would like to share with you 6 helpful tips to make moving a little easier!

1) Purge, purge, purge! Go through all of your belongings and decide what you want to bring with you and what you don’t want and/or need anymore.

2) Garage sale: Once you have sorted through everything, you probably found a bunch of items that would like to part with. Why not try to help pay for your moving expenses by having a garage sale?!

3) Donations: Whether it be food or goods… your church, local shelter, food bank, and/or other local charities would be thrilled to accept your donations and put them to good use.

Once you have narrowed down what you want to bring with you, now it’s time to pack!

4) Boxes: Make sure you get enough boxes to be able to safely pack your items. The last thing you want is to un-box everything only to find a bunch of broken items. Oh no! A helpful money-saving tip would be to go to your local grocery store and ask for their boxes. This way you are recycling and saving a bunch of money in the process. A win-win, if you ask me!

5) Packing tape: As long as you are taping up your boxes, see if you can find packing tape that tells you where the box belongs in your new living quarters. This will save you the time and energy of having to write down on each box what is stored inside and where it should be unpacked.

6) Storage Unit: There are always going to be items that you just aren’t sure what to do with. It can be due to its size, sentimental value, or just the fact that you won’t have room for it at your new place. My suggestion to you, is to rent a storage unit. This will also be good to have for many other reasons as well. Check out this handy list of 5 Reasons Why You Need Short Term Self Storage.

Shown in the article above, bonus reason #6 is something my husband and I had to use for a few months until we figured out what to do with his vintage car. This was a handy and well-priced alternative to a bunch of other options we researched.

I hope you found these easy and simple tips helpful! Moving can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be. With these tips you will be able to save time and money. Which, I think everyone wouldn’t mind having a little more of both.

Disclosure: A sponsored link is included in this post. However, this article was written solely by myself and all opinions are my own.


  1. Those are good tips. We all need to keep them somewhere, where we can find , so if we need them we will have them.

  2. This is some great information for moving. The hardest thing for me when I move is deciding what I can live without. Thank you so much for sharing

  3. Thank You for writing such a Wonderful article!! I have used many of your suggestions when I've moved (Especially the "Storage Unit" one!!) And You are SO RIGHT about Purging things!! My #1 Rule is: If I've Not Used It In A 6 months to a year, then it gets *purged*(thrown out*) from my stuff. My kids sometimes "disagree", but eventually they see it MY "way"!! Lol :-)

  4. AnonymousJuly 10, 2016

    great tips i move alot and always am trying to find new ways of packing easier this is very helpful thanks

  5. I wish I had had some good tips before we last moved. Like always, somethings just never got here & I have no idea what happened. This last time it was a box of sheets & towels! I picture it lying on the side of the road somewhere, lol.

  6. AnonymousJuly 11, 2016

    this is what i did last year when I moved

  7. awesome tips,will be moving this fall

  8. Awesome Moving tips. All about Organization and time saving tips. I moved 10 yrs ago from my Home of 30 yrs to another Home. #0 yrs of accumulation is a lot. After going through everything and getting rid of things I don't use or want I cut it down to 1/4. Packing it up and marking the crates very time saving when you get to your new Home..

  9. Yes, donations all the way. I'm always getting rid of stuff.

  10. Super tips! I would definitely do a Garage Sale and I also love to donate items!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  11. Great tips! Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Great ideas. I especially like the tape that is color coded and labeled.

  13. Great tips! I will be sharing some of these with my good friend who just found a new apartment.

  14. I LOVE the different tapes! I'm always writing on boxes, but I like your idea better!! I don't like the Sharpie Permanent Marker smell 😚

  15. These are great tips. We have moved so many times and I learned early on to throw out anything I hadn't used in 3 months.

  16. These are great tips. We have moved so many times and I learned early on to throw out anything I hadn't used in 3 months.

  17. I feel a move coming up within the next couple of years. Love the packing tape.

  18. awesome tips!! thanks for sharing.

  19. Great tips. I actually need to downsize soon, but we have lived here 30 years. Gosh it has been forever! We need to deecide if we want to stay where we are at, or move soon.

  20. I have found that moving is a good way to decide what I really want to keep and really makes me think if I need to bring things that I don't use along.

  21. Yes to purging!! Feels so amazing afterwards too!! Less to move is always a plus and I love feeling like theirs a fresh start in the new place!!

  22. AnonymousJuly 15, 2016

    Those are great tips. I'll be sharing this with my friends.

  23. We are packing for a move right now! Since we renovated our house and redecorated for putting it on the market, we sold a TON of stuff! I am still cleaning out! lol Ironically, we are moving to a bigger house! haha! I am still on the fence about the storage unit. I think it depends on closing and how long we have to be out...as soon as I know, then I can determine if we need the storage unit. This is definitely a crazy process! :)

  24. These are great tips. I will have to remember these for the next time I move.

  25. Great tips! I love donating it makes me feel good and helps with my clutter

  26. Great tips! I love donating it makes me feel good and helps with my clutter

  27. These are all great tips!! we'd definitely use them when we move next time

  28. I do not like moving. It is such a big job. These tips are great to help get organized and on the right track for moving. Thank you so much for sharing

  29. These moving tips are very helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Great tips and a great time to purge! Amazing how much accumulates when you don't move enough!

  31. Love the tips, you can use this for just purging also. That's what we have been doing. I love the tape with rooms!

  32. Definitely going to keep all of these useful tips in mind, next time I move. It really is a stressful event for most people.

  33. This is a great group of tips. I have a cousin who's moving soon, I will pass this on to her.

  34. Yikes, moving is the LAST thing I'd want to do! OMG! Got a panic attack just thinking about it, but your tips are special and noteworthy. God willing, I'll never need them, but I'm saving them just in case!

  35. I truly despise moving! Anyway to make it easier I am down! Thank you!

  36. These helpful tips will certainly make moving a lot easier! Thanks!

  37. Thank you fro these really great moving tips!
