Strider Balance Bike! ($90 RV)

Enter to win this adorable balance bike for your child! It's the perfect time of year to go outside and have some fun! Good luck! Now, a note from the host...

Hi Peeps,

You know one of the ways kids learn to ride a pedal bike sooner, is if they start off with a balance bike. Balance bikes help kids master the number one thing that is hard for kids when they are first starting out.  Thankfully Strider makes an awesome balance bike, available in four different colors.  This bike is a size one fits all bike. Its the #1 Selling, Most highly rated, Highest Reviewed Balance Bike in the World. STRIDER has the youngest starting age: 18 months. If they can walk they can ride! It has the most adjustable Seat & Handlebar Height of any Balance Bike. STRIDER gives children the Easiest Transition to a Pedal Bike. The 12 Classic model comes with the mini-seat (18-36 months). Strider recommends the additional padded seat with extra long seat post for children 36-60 months.


Giveaway Details: This giveaway is open to anyone in the United States, 18 years and older with a valid email address. If you are to win you will be contacted via the email address you used in the rafflecopter form. Winners have 48 hours from the time the are contacted via email to claim their prize before a new winner is selected. You must be able to receive an Amazon shipment at your address. Heartfully Heather, nor any other blog participating in this giveaway is not responsible for the replacement of any stolen giveaways left on doorsteps. Winners will receive a tracking number and can give delivery instructions. Due to the value of the package, you may need to sign for the delivery. Good luck to all who enter and this giveaway ends 6-10-16

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My best memory is spending summer vacations at my grandparents in Arkansas...loved the water sports in the area

  2. I don't remember taking a vacation until I was 15, we went to Myrtle Beach and I loved it.

  3. For my very first camping trip we went to Lake McConaughy. I think I must have been about 4. I caught so many frogs and lizards I took-over two of the small, like 6pk sz., coolers to have them in little aquariums. I was also nervous about swimming in the lake because I distinctly remember thinking the fish would mistake my toes for food and bite me. It was great!

  4. We always went to Brown county State Parks for the fall leaves turning here in Indiana. It was always such a delight.

  5. I went to the Black Hills and toured a lot of the caves.

  6. I grew up by the I Oregon Coast, so we always went camping. I love it! :) This Nike would be perfect for my son!

  7. One of my favorite vacation memories is the car ride to and from wherever we were going! My dad would stop a lot for us to get ice cream, snacks, peanuts, etc!! It was so much fun!

  8. always going to tennesse and visiting the laurel falls ,it was suck a beautiful place with th emost prettiest waterfall

  9. I was about four years old when my Mother decided to take me and my older brother to Disneyworld for the very first time. That was in the mid-70's and seems like such long time ago. My memories are starting to get a bit cloudy but I do recall we had a wonderful time just walking around the park and riding the attractions. Disney is truly a magical place when your a kid :)

  10. When I was young my Mom and 4 of her 5 siblings would rent a beach house in Canon Beach, OR. All of my cousins would be there, and it was at a time where we could run free with no supervision. We would have fires on the beach, roasting marshmallows. It was absolutely awesome!

  11. My favorite vacation as a child was when we went to Cedar Point. I was about 6 and we took an RV to sleep in. Afterwards we went all over Michigan. It was a blast with my family :)

  12. Favorite childhood vacation memories was riding with my grandparents in their motorhome!

  13. My favorite vacation memories were sitting around a campfire with friends.

  14. I loved the resort we stayed at in the Texas Hill Country.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  15. Disneyland- July 4th fireworks

  16. We always loved to go visit relatives in Minnesota. Always had so much fun swimming all day with our cousins. Great BBQ's! Many wonderful memories.

  17. We used to go to the zoo every few years. This was so much fun. My father was sick and we were not able to afford alot. We also got to go to the drive in movies occasionally. I really enjoyed this

  18. Favorite childhood memories all include the beach! It's still my happy place:)

  19. One of my favorite childhood vacation memories is going to the mountains of Boone North Carolina to visit the Wizard of Oz!
